Safety Facts and Side Effects About Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green Coffee Bean Extract, CAS# 327-97-9, is a Plant extracts manufactured through plant extraction, available as Yellow to Brown?powder. Green Coffee Bean Extract is widely used as nutrition supplements. It is widely accepted as safe food additive in many countries.

Is there some safety and/or health risk about Green Coffee Bean Extract that consumers need to know? Let’s check out some basic facts about this ingredient.

GRAS Exemptions: No

Though Green Coffee Bean Extract is not on FDA’s GRAS exemption list, it’s still widely accepted as safe food additive in many countries including USA with specific limit on dosage.

Suggested Dosage

As Green Coffee Bean Extract is widely known as safe, there is no limit on dosage of intake. However, we still recommend consumers to consult professionals before using large quantity of Green Coffee Bean Extract for long period.

Special Groups Precaution

Special groups refer to newborns, children, pregnant and any other applicable vulnerable groups.
There is no evidence that Green Coffee Bean Extract could have any negative effects on these vulnerable groups. It should be safe to use Green Coffee Bean Extract in food for newborns and pregnant. However, we still recommend consumers to consult professionals before using large quantity of Green Coffee Bean Extract for long period in food for newborns or pregnant.

General Side Effects

No significant side effects reported.

Reported Health Issues

No health issues about Green Coffee Bean Extract reported up to now.

Related Research

1. Effect of post-exercise caffeine and green coffee bean extract consumption on blood glucose and insulin concentrations. [Nutrition. 2015 Feb]
Author: Beam JR, Gibson AL, Kerksick CM, Conn CA, White AC, Mermier CM.

2. Decaffeinated?green coffee bean extract?attenuates diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance in mice. [Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014]
Author: Song SJ, Choi S, Park T.

3. Lipolytic activity of Svetol?, a decaffeinated green coffee bean extract. [Phytother Res. 2014 Jun]
Author: Flanagan J, Bily A, Rolland Y, Roller M.

4. Inhibitory activity of chlorogenic acids in decaffeinated green coffee beans against porcine pancreas lipase and effect of a decaffeinated green coffee bean extract on an emulsion of olive oil. [Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2012]
Author: Narita Y, Iwai K, Fukunaga T, Nakagiri O.

5. The blood pressure-lowering effect and safety of chlorogenic acid from?green coffee bean extractin essential hypertension. [Clin Exp Hypertens. 2006 Jul]
Author: Watanabe T, Arai Y, Mitsui Y, Kusaura T, Okawa W, Kajihara Y, Saito I.

As Green Coffee Bean Extract suppliers, Foodchem has been supplying halal certified Green Coffee Bean Extract to customers all over the world for many years. Halal certification will be provided along with all our halal products on requirement. Feel free to contact us if you need halal certified Green Coffee Bean Extract. Email: Tel: +86-21-3126-7000 ext 133.

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